Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Fanboy's Response to the Real-Life Superhero Movement

Well it was bound to happen at some point.  Frankly, I'm a little surprised that it didn't happen a lot sooner.  And somewhere in the far regions of my psyche is a 10 year old boy who is absolutely ecstatic about the Real Life Superhero Movement, but the 36 year old me?  Not so much.  The 36 year old me thinks someone's going to get hurt, or maybe even killed very soon.

Oops, spoke too late...

What you just witnessed with those two videos is the rise and fall of Phoenix Jones, Seattle's very own masked crime-fighter.  I'm sure his intentions are good, but if you're going to walk the mean streets of a major city righting wrongs and beating up bad guys, and you choose to do this whist dressed in a costume that makes you look ridiculous, you better make damn sure you can turn your neck.  Batman learned it in the movies (although let's be honest, it took five of them before he finally got the hint) so there's no reason why some steroided out fanboy with a secret superhero lair in the back of the comic shop he works at can't figure it out.  You're your own worst enemy Phoenix Jones.  Just sayin'.

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